Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Starting Daycare

Well, the kids started daycare yesterday and I had to snap off some pictures!!  Enjoy!

Before leaving the house

At daycare...I think that Emily was like..."ok Mom, we have stuff to do, quit bugging us!!"

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Phoenix Childrens Museam

Shopping at the childrens museum.

Kung Fu Spatula!

Very cool bird made with silverware!

Spoon fish and jellyfish.

Spoon frog.

Spoon jellyfish and crab

Emily's Pizza!

This thing flung bean bag spiders from the top...the eagle's wings spin and spit them out at top speeds!

They should have made this thing bigger and put it out front...I nearly got nailed a couple of times but it was hilarious!

Rachael in noodle forest (imagine hundreds or these things hung from the ceiling that you have to go through!!)

Rachael Peek-a-Boo!

Hide behind the noodle.

I don't know...but it was too cute!

Flower table

Giant vacuum thing that flung soft pom poms out the top at you!  (the kids LOVED this as much as the spider flinger!!)

I got one mom!

Emily was VERY excited!!

Not too sure...

Waiting for the big catch!

Rachael getting excited!

Hey, where is my ball?!

This is only part of an entire wall like this that when the light hit the CD's it made a mirror ball effect in the room!
